Spring - Midair Spread

This flourish is very important to know, not just so much for showoff, but for forces and routines. Some people do it from the corners and other do it from the short side of the deck, is up to you.


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Spoon Bending

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Spoon bending

The Revolution Cut

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The Revolution Cut

Pencil Through Bill

Difficulty: Medium
Time: 6:36
Pencil Through Bill

Frozen Shuffle

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Time: 10:52
Frozen Shuffle

TeBe Change

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Time: 9:07
TeBe Change

IInflated Deck

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Time: 7:24
Inflated Deck

Greek Cut

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Matrix Levitation

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Multiple Card Control

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Wild Card Trick

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Wild Card Trick

Gyro Change

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Time: 10:03
Gyro Change

Outjogged Double Lift

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Time: 10:00
Outjogged Double Lift


Difficulty: Medium
Time: 13:47
The Printer

The Printer

Difficulty: Medium
Time: 10:18
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